Welcome to Shlomo Gurevich's Home Page

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If you are related to or interested in Family Saga of Gurevich, Gurovich, Gurvich, Gurvitz, Gorvitz, Urevich, Hurwitz, Horowitz, etc. click here

If you wish to know who I am, click here

Chislavichi, Lyady and Monastyrshchina, my ancestral shtetlech

Mogilev Gubernia

My Literary Experiments

Important addresses and links for genealogical research

Information about my book and CD on Horowitz Family History and Genealogy

My report on our Spring trip to Katalonia and Provence In the Footsteps of Our Forefathers

1907 and 1912 Duma Voters Lists and Gubernskie Vedomosti: New Insights

Gubernia Memory Books As A Tool For Genealogical Research

My trip to Germany, after many doubts (Summer 2005)

My Late Bar Mitzva's Drasha. 13.04.2013

My 2017 project: Horowitz Streets

My article: Differences between Russian and Hebrew texts in 19th century vital records in Russian Empire (2020)

My new article (2020): Important Genealogical Information in Old Jewish Newspapers

2022' Independence Day-Singing with Sareleh Sharon

My e-mail address: shl2gur@yahoo.com

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