Jews in Senno Uyezd

The List of Jewish Communities and their population (Men) according to the last revision, published in Mogilev Gubernia Vedomosty in 1907 and 1912

Senno: 722

Chechersk: 656

Lukoml: 341

Ostrovno: 189

Bobr: 416

Krupki: 289

Novy Tolochin: 171

Obchuga: 118

Jewish Births in Senno in 1861-1864 and 1869

List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Senno Uyezd in 1907 and Jews elected for Jury in 1908

List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Senno Uyezd in 1912 and Jews elected for Jury in 1913 and candidates for 1913
