The List of Jewish Communities and their population (Men) according to the last revision,
published in Mogilev Gubernia Vedomosty in 1907 and 1912
Mogilev: 4118
Shklov: 5073
Belynichi: 654
Krugloye and Shepelevichi and Teterin: 350
Drutzk and Krucha: 270
Golovchin: 331
Knyazhitzy: 100
Buynichi: 120
List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Mogilev Uyezd in 1907
and Jews elected for Jury in 1907 and candidates for 1908 and 1909
List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Mogilev Uyezd in 1912
and Jews elected for Jury in 1912 and candidates for 1913
Images of 1901' Petition of the members of the Spiritual Board of Mogilev synagogue to confirm Movsha Katz-Kagan for position of Rabbi's assistance in Mogilev (containing signatures, in Russian)