Jews in Klimovichi Uyezd

The List of Jewish Communities and their population (Men) according to the last revision, published in Mogilev Gubernia Vedomosty in 1907 and 1912

Klimovichi: 470

Shumyachi: 797

Kostyukovichi: 68?

Petrovichi: 380

Khotimsk: 412

Miloslavichi and Khotovizh: 452

Rodnya and Lozovitza: 326

Zabychanye and Negin: 216

List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Klimovichi Uyezd in 1907 and Jews elected for Jury in 1907

List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Klimovichi Uyezd in 1912 and Jews elected for Jury in 1913

Images of 1908' Petitions of Kostyukovichi religious congregations to confirm Elya Dun and Movsha Movshovich for position of public rabbi in Kostyukovichi (containing signatures, in Russian)

Images of 1909' Petition of Khotimsk Jews to confirm Chaim-Gesel Es'kin for position of public rabbi in Khotimsk (containing signatures, in Russian)
