The List of Jewish Communities and their population (Men) according to the last revision,
published in Mogilev Gubernia Vedomosty in 1907 and 1912
Gorki: 1200
Dubrovna: 2285
Zarechno-Shklov: 130
Rossasno: 110
Bayevo: 80
Lyady: 1500
Kopyss: 740
Romanovo: 70
1899 List of Donations from Gorki to Eretz Israel
List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Gorki Uyezd in 1907
and Jews candidates for 1908 and elected for Jury in 1908
List of Jews called for trial at Mogilev Court for Gorki Uyezd in 1912
and Jews candidates for 1913 and elected for Jury in 1913
Images of 1898' Gorki Jewish community’s conditions for elected Rabbi of Gorki (containing signatures, in Russian)
Images of 1900' Petition of Dubrovna Jewish religious congregations for conformation of Zalman Rivlin for the position of public rabbi (containing signatures, in Russian)
Images of 1900' Petition of Kopyss Jewish religious congregations for conformation of Zalman Rivlin for the position of public rabbi (containing signatures, in Russian)
Images of 1900' Petition of Rossasna Jewish religious congregations for conformation of Zalman Rivlin for the position of public rabbi (containing signatures, in Russian)
Images of 1907 Duma Voters List for Gorki and the uyezd towns (in Russian)
Images of 1912 Duma Voters List for Gorki and the uyezd towns (In Russian)