R. Yehuda Leib Zvi Evzerov (1854-1935) was born in Mstislavl. He started his Jewish studies in yeshiva of Mstislavl and continued in Chislavichi, there he lived the major part of his life. In 1881-1888 he published articles in various Yiddish newspapers and in Hebrew Hameliz and Hatzfira. In 1906 he was invited by "Beni Zion" in Moskva to travel to towns and shtetls throughout the Russion Empire to explain the Zionism and call the Jews to make aliah to Eretz Israel, which he did very successfully for many years. His brilliant speeches inspired many to leave their homes and go to the Holy Land. One of them - on the Eve of Tish'a B'Av - is masterly described in Girsh Rivkin's book (see translations in Hebrew and in Russian). He also managed to convince many rabbis to join the Zionist movement. In 1917 R. Evzerov was a delegate to the Zionist Convention in Petrograd. In 1922 he came to Eretz Israel and settled in Rehovot, later moved to Tel Aviv, there he used to present his Shabbat drashot in the Great Synagogue.